Understanding SEO and Social Signals

Being inside of Roofing SEO , there are might be a lot changes inside of the SEO community through a couple of things that will be continuing to become more advanced online. Over the few years with video marketing and through social signals. 

Today social signals are more important with people knowing that your website is relevant inside of the Google to gain that exposure to your website. Everything might be coming down to social signals rather than back links. I ran a test a while back with only social signals vs SEO with anchor text. I found out that social signals are almost more important than anchor text. 

Either way let’s talk about relevant social signals…

Are Social signals relevant? 

Relevant social signals is a huge discussions with a lot SEO’s for what is ranking things inside of Google. Well, through my personal experience I have ranked a web page that was ranked due to only social signals on page that I was testing through my example page. 

It was rank in a few days without doing an any real SEO. This was a low keyword volume and see this when it comes to low keywords with ranking them in Google with little or no work.
For higher competition you will still need to put seo and social signals together to create a better exposure to your website through link building and social signals. 

Social Signals are the Future 

Been a lot talk about video marketing being the future of marketing, I see social signals becoming the new anchor text of inside of the SEO industry. Honestly, I cannot be sure on the time of frame with when Google will put this into effect and this will become the new SEO through social signals. 
When writing your blog, you want to give people an easy way to share your content on social media. Then, creating a brand presence with understanding SEO with social for standard SEO… The more social signals that you have is going depend on your ranking in Google search.
We always want to expand your reach with your social media accounts through social media.

Expanding your reach on social media 

Everything today is pretty much about social signals to your website. Through building up your social presence on social media will give you a benefit on your social shares, when someone shares your content. One of the best marketing platforms that I have noticed is Facebook Fan pages, LinkedIn, and one of favorite is YouTube marketing.

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